Being both a hoarder and a magpie personality, I adore charity shops for their electicism and 'needle in a haystack' amazing find quality! Patience and vision is needed to sort past the not so nice things and find the treasure. As with most British high streets, my town has an ever increasing array of charity shops. This is good in some ways, 'more is more' (as I do like to say)but it also means that the shops are hugely competitive and business like so bargains are mostly something that 'was' rather than 'is'. Nonetheless, I do believe that an item is worth what you'll pay for it and things for alteredv art such as pencil tins, old scrabble games with bits missing, word games (again) with bits missing, battered costume jewellery and old books with interesting pictures are not highly prized it seems - except by myself.
Books are also in plentiful supply which is great (wey hey) but also not so great (storage). I LOVE books though and my town happily seems to have a plentiful supply of books on many, many subjects but especially my favourites of gardening, crafts, cats , art, rabbits and alternative health. I'm afraid I don't read and pass on as is suggested by one well known charity shop. Oh no! Once in my possession forever in my possession. Hoarders don't pass on...very often anyway!
I came across a beautiful find the other day and I'm extremely chuffed. It's a beautiful Sylvac dish, a beautiful glossy pink flower head design. I love it. When I took it to the till to pay the lady told me it had only just been put on display. Right place, right time for me. On the base it is dated 1955 so it's done well to survive 50 odd years. It was also a bargain at 75p!! It is one of the nicest things I have in the world! I must research them, I'd love a whole gardens worth of them in all the colours on the rainbow! I love it!! (Do you get what I'm saying here? I like this dish VERY much!).
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