Once again this year The Rotary Club in the UK are doing their shoebox appeal.
The shoebox appeal involves people filling shoeboxes provided by The Rotary Club with a variety of items to be given to those in desperate need in Eastern Europe. Although this appeal is seen as a Christmas appeal, The Rotary Club actually run this scheme all year round as makes sense as people need help year round.
So many people are in need and it's a REAL need. This baby is called Bruno and I can't help thinking of my beautiful niece Isla and how her first Christmas will be very different to little Brunos. (I suspect Isla will, like Bruno, prefer the box to the expensive goodies inside the box!!).
Local newspapers, schools, radio stations and youth club often support this appeal but you can contact The Rotary Club if you want help in finding a local source for the shoeboxes.
You can choose what to put into your shoebox in accordance with one of the specified groups. These are Toys (boy or girl), Teenage or Household goods.
Once filled, the box should be returned with a £1 coin to help distribution costs.
How easy is that? A little effort for smiles like these is as good a deal as you're likely to get.
I've got mine to fill and I can't wait to think up loads of goodies for my box! Although you mustn't wrap the box, you can decorate it and I'll enjoy that bit too I'm sure!
Apparently the household boxes are much sought after so I'm definately going to do one of those. The idea of children not having Christmas presents to open or toys to play with is awful, but somehow the idea that people are desperate for parcels which contain washing up liquid, washing powder, soap, disinfectant, toothbrushes and toothpaste is even more sad to me.
I think I may do a teenage box for my second although I did fancy putting a few basic crafty items in like stickers and bits so that may suit a younger child more..we shall see. Can I resist cuddly toys after seeing the photos on The Rotary Club site?
I'll let you know how I get on with my shoeboxes. How I'll decorate a Christmas present box that contains washing powder and toothpaste without a few tears is beyond me. That's really upset me actually.
Go and get a box, or two..next year The Rotary Club website could have photos of people WE made smile.
Shoebox recipient photographs taken from The Rotary Club shoebox appeal website.