The beautiful and very brave Sophie
Soon it will be the first anniversary of the beautiful and very brave Sophie being taken from us. Words are quite simply inadequate at expressing the grief I feel at her loss and we all miss her so, so much. Every day I miss Soph. Our whole family structure changed when she died; literally things have not been the same since. I used to have Soph and Humphrey (her brother) sitting on my feet as I sat crafting or on my PC. Now I sit alone as since Sophie's death Humphrey can't bear to be downstairs so he lives upstairs with Jacob now and I often craft alone if Tom and Basil are sunbathing or adventuring!
Humphrey had never known life without Sophie. They did do things individually but spent a considerable amount of time cuddling and simply lying together. When they were together and active, they became 'Bonnie and Clyde' as they used to get up to terrible mischief! If they came running out of a room together I'd have to go into that room and see what they'd been up to! Sophe was clever though and if she heard me coming she'd vanish from the ;'scene of the crime' leaving Humphrey in the midst of the chaos the two of them had created! Poor Humph would be sat there, surrounded by chaos looking very confused as he wondered where on earth Sophe had disappeared to! Bunnies are very clever, the most intelligent animals I've ever known and able to outwit me 100 times out of 100-I have never outwitted a bunny despite having a degree etc!

Humphrey and Sophie
After we lost Sophe I tried my very best to take extra special care of Humphrey as I had promised Sophie I would. He lived in my bedroom and so for a while my room became the sitting room and we'd all congregate in there to keep Humphrey company. Sometimes we'd all go downstairs for a change of scene although after a while Humphrey started to get anxious downstairs and so I no longer take the bunnies downstairs.
Humphrey made it clear that he was interested in Jacob. Male rabbits generally don't get on, in fact I would always say never to put two males together. Even if the males are brothers, they can and will fight and can cause each other horrific injuries. I'd never claim to be an expert but I am experienced in rabbit care so felt it was safe to allow Humphrey to continue in expressing his interest and see what happened.
What happened turned out to be one of the most incredible things I have ever experienced. Humphrey started jumping up onto the other end of the settee to Jacob and over time sidled closer and closer. Jacob's always been very fearful of 'introductions' (the term used for the early days of the bonding process in rabbits)
and so was a bit nervous by Humphrey's presence but I ensured that I remained with Jacob when Humphrey was around, both as reassurance for Jacob and for general safety reasons-I had no idea what would happen. Jacob LOVES cuddles so I told him if he could make friends with Humphrey he'd not only get more cuddle but they'd be the best cuddles in the world-bunny cuddles!Eventually Humphrey ended up lying next to Jacob. If Jacob moved however, Humphrey would chase him which obviously upset Jacob. Rabbits chasing one another can indicate aggression but it also is normal rabbit behaviour especially in the early stages of a relationship. Very soon this behaviour ended though I still always supervised them and when I went out or to bed, I would separate them.

Jacob and Humphrey
I did wonder if this would be as good as it would get but the bonding became complete and for 8/9 months Jacob and Humphrey have been best bunny friends. They are devoted to each other and I never, ever tire of seeing them together. Jacob is getting on a bit age wise and has a few health problems. He has constantly weepy eyes and before he and Humphrey bonded, Jacob had lost the fur under his eyes and was on antibiotics, cortisone cream and twice daily bathing of the eye area by myself in an attempt to stop the tears burning his poor little face so much. It was awful, I did all I could and was forever wiping his eyes and we were at the vets having the tear ducts cleaned regularly too.
Within a week of bonding with Humphrey, Jacobs fur was growing back and we have NEVER had to go to the vets about his eyes since!!We don't need the cream any more nor the antibiotics as Humphrey cleans Jacobs' eyes so well.There are no words to describe my joy at how happy they are. They love each other so much and most of all, they need each other. I would never have imagined this could happen, it's very rare indeed for two male rabbits to bond in this way especially as they are not related and Jacob is around 6 years old and Humphrey 5, so adult males-albeit neutered.
It's so wonderful. Humphrey has helped Jacob so much, Jacob's even lost some of his excess weight racing round after him for a cuddle! Jacobs is as I always say 'made of love and kindness' and to get as many cuddles as he does now is heavenly for him! Humphrey is the most extraordinary bunny to have instigated this. I believe it is because he and Sophie were so happy that Humphrey wanted more bunny happiness and love. I do feel a certain amount of pride in a way too that I could recognise what Humphrey was doing and that I know my guys well enough to feel able to allow Humphrey to continue his approaches to Jacob. I honestly had no idea where we were heading but it's been an amzing journey and continues to be a delight and absolute honour to witness such love. My guys mean the world to me and also to one another and though life isn't in many ways how I would choose it to be, I know I am blessed beyond comparison to share my life with such extraordinary beings.
What can I say but Awwwwwwww....... xxx
these are adorable pics....Humphrey is just the coolest name :)
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