All this lovely sunshine is contributing to a really positive and sunny outlook hence this rather cheerful card. I've been struggling with my colouring in of images (an ongoing battle) and thought I'd be brave and tackle my constantly overlooked and much feared H20's. I got some H20's a good couple of years or so ago and had such high hopes for them as everyone was talking about them at the time. When they arrived, I adored the little containers full of jewel like colours but apart from doing paper swatches of colours I never managed to do anything especially productive.
Inspired once again by Jeannette (honestly her blog is choc a block full of so many techniques) who is clearly a HUGE fan of H20's I set about the transition from paper swatches to full blown colouring in!!! Well, Rome wasn't built in a day, but I managed to find just about the right colours for the above bunny and flowers in my teeny weeny H20 collection. The bunny colour I'm especially pleased with. I do have a problem though. I don't actually know what colour I used to colour in my bunny as I just took the tops off all the H20's, spritzed them with water, waited (all of about .5 of a second!) and then did a few colour swatches and then dived straight into colouring the bunny! Brave or what?
Whatever the colour is (and I will of course work it out one day), I'm really pleased with it. It's a lovely sort of caramel (nope none of the H20's are called caramel). The roses are a sort of reddy-pink (Ok, hands up I can't remember that one either) but the green was called (drum roll please) SAGE!!! At least I think it was! hee! hee! It's not the perfect green but it's the only green I have so sage green it was. Oh no, just remembered, there's actually two browns used. Oh dear I am useless!
Moving on swiftly, I adore this Elzybells stamp and it was one of the first stamps I bought. The bunny is so gorgeous and I'm sure he's smiling. Yes, I think he's a he too-not sure why, probably as women don't tend to give bunches of roses though this image could be a lady bunny thrilled at having received a big bunch of roses....um..got you thinking now!
I'm being a good girl and doing quite well at using up stash. The papers are K & co (and very nice they are too) and I've managed to find a use for one of my lovely Love Elsie chipboard buttons that I have and never seen able to find a purpose for on one of the hydrangea (love hydrangeas) blooms. I did struggle to use the ribbon as I think I'd like to just keep it to look at but it works so well I think that it was a 'meant to be kind of thing'. Oh, just from a local haberdashery shop-ooh I love that word-haberdashery, haberdashery, haberdashery.
I decided to continue the scalloped theme after punching out the bunny. I'm not sure I chose to do this, more that I am compelled to being as I am utterly bewitched by the Stampin Up scalloped border punch. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! Ok, I'm a bit behind the pack on this but I thought I could resist it. I now know how certifiably mad I was to resist it so long as it is fab and makes a real difference to a card.
I will try not to do every card with scallops but I think some praise is due being as I did resist doing all the card edges in scallops too, and it wasn't easy. My hand (firmly holding the said punch) moved all of it's own accord towards the card edges and it took all my strength to resist and put the punch away and out of sight (though it called to me LOUDLY). Oh, mustn't forget the Making memories rub on-without which the card wouldn't be what it is!
Back to gloomy cards soon according to dear (voice of doom) Len the neighbour. For the past week, whenever I've happily mentioned how cheery I feel when the sun is shining dear (um!) Len has said 'I don't want to be the conveyer of bad news but it's going to get very cold and snow and the end of the world is nigh'. Oh, sorry, he didn't say anything about the end of the world being nigh, it's just when he starts his gloomy weather forecast I can't help but feel he is being a prophet of doom!! Yes, it may well get cold and even snow but Len doesn't have to tell me and change my smiling face into a sad one does he? He could pretend he hasn't heard the weather, it's not as if I asked him for the weather forecast, but no, stomp, stomp, stomp all over my (sun reliant) happy mood!!
On a serious note, I've really come to have a much better understanding of my SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). When the sun shines I feel almost a bit hysterical with happy, positive thoughts and a belief that I can do anything. If it's gloomy I want to stay in bed and I'm useless at everything! I'm not sure if it's getting worse but I certainly believe the poor Summer's have made things worse by having so many negative and gloomy days. I've read a bit about SAD recently and it's actually unusual to have symptoms all year round-most people just suffer from October to February. Trust me to be weird and get it all year round-or is that the SAD and melancholy speaking?! Clearly I've found another reason why I need to move to a sunnier and warmer climate.
My guys would love it too (apart from the travelling, none of us would like that), with all this 'pussy cat and bunny rabbit weather' (as we call nice sunny days!), I've been up and down opening the back door every hundreth of a second for Tom (cat flaps are demeaning apparently). Basil, Jacob and Humphrey have been doing a lot of 'indoor sunbathing'. We've all been much happier, Bobbi and Ernie have been warmer too and we don't want any more cold weather and snow thank you very much!!!
Bye for now.
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